Jalisco TECH

Privacy and Use Policy



The website you have accessed is a Portal of the Jalisco Government Portals Network, which aims to support the mission, vision and institutional policies of the Government of Jalisco, in order to bring government services to citizens, while remaining a source of institutional, timely and reliable information.


This use and privacy policy describes the types of information collected by the Government of Jalisco in its Portals, how we use them and how we protect them, it is only applicable to the Government of Jalisco Portals Network and is not applicable to any external site that can be reached through our sites.


By using our Portals Network you express your acceptance to this Use and Privacy Policy.


How to know if the web site you are visiting belongs to the Portal Network of the Government of Jalisco?


To verify if a site is part of our Portals Network, you only need to check that in the address bar of your browser the Internet address (URL) shown has as domain or ends with jalisco.gob.mx.


Usage policies


The Government of Jalisco establishes through the General Directorate of Information Technology and the administrators of the Jalisco Government Portals Network, the following terms and conditions for the use of the portals by its visitors.


The use that you make of the information and services of the websites that make up the Jalisco Portals Network is conditioned to the acceptance of the following terms and conditions:


Use of language. Visitors must conduct themselves with friendly language and always within a framework of respect, so it is strictly prohibited the use of high-flown words, foul or inappropriate language, profanity, as well as all kinds of offensive words, hate speech or threats of violence, damaging the moral integrity of persons or public or private institutions.


Discriminatory content. It is strictly forbidden to publish by any means, discriminatory content that seeks to attack people by groups, based on their gender, beliefs, partisan or religious ideologies, sexual preferences, or any other reason for marginalization. Likewise, it is strictly forbidden to publish defamatory content or content constituting slander, threats or coercion. Any content that contravenes the above will be removed, and if the media allows it, access will be prohibited and, if necessary, it will be made available to the competent authority.


Obscene or illegal contents. It is strictly forbidden to publish contents that go against the law and good customs, that affect modesty and morals as well as those that present biased, pornographic, racist, fundamentalist information or that affect public order, ethics and morals. Any content that contravenes the above will be removed, and if the medium allows it, access will be prohibited and, if necessary, it will be made available to the competent authority.


Sharing content. Visitors may share the contents of the Portal Network such as news, articles, documents, information, graphics or images, as long as the source (Portal in question) is cited and that these are not modified in any way, copied or distributed separately from their context, text, graphics or images that accompany it, nor are they allowed to be used for profit.


Copyright. The publication of copyrighted material of any kind, whether textual content, images, graphics, commercial drawings, videos, emblems, slogans, badges, logos and any other copyrighted element, without the express permission of the copyright holder, is prohibited.


Security. It is prohibited to publish or share information that intentionally contains any computer virus or other type of programming mechanism that may damage, detrimentally interfere with or expropriate systems, data, or personal information. Any intention or fact that is detected in this sense will be referred to the competent authority.


Any action by visitors that contravenes any of the above points will be considered as a misuse of the Jalisco Portals Network, which will result in the elimination of the content published by the visitor, the blocking of access, or whatever the competent authorities establish as a possible sanction.


Limits of Liability


About the origin of the contents. The contents published in the Portals of Jalisco under the domain jalisco.gob.mx are exclusively of an informative nature. The information presented is provided by the Executive Branch Agencies, Agencies and Municipalities, being each of them responsible for its publication.


On the truthfulness and accuracy of the information. Those responsible for the site, are responsible for verifying the truthfulness and accuracy of the information published, as well as to keep it updated. In cases where there is any observation to the contents of any of the Portals, we suggest you send it to us through the “Contact” section of each Portal for verification and, if necessary, correction by the site administrators.


About links to external sites. Through this website you can find links to other websites that are not under the control of the Jalisco Portals Network, so their content or availability is not the responsibility of the Government of Jalisco. Likewise, this applies when the links refer to events, activities, announcements, promotions, etc.


About the availability of the service. The Jalisco Portals are monitored 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The availability of the service is the responsibility of the General Directorate of Information Technology of the Ministry of Planning, Administration and Finance or, if applicable, the persons in charge of each Agency, Public Body or Municipality, whom you can contact through the “Contact” section.


Privacy Policy


Data that Jalisco.gob.mx sites may collect from their visitors


  • Contact information, when you wish to establish closer communication via chat or when requesting information related to any procedure or service (name, subject, phone, email, etc.)
  • Information to process an online service, are the data required to make a payment or consultation offered by any of the agencies of the Government of Jalisco.
  • Information of an opinion nature regarding the actions of the Government of Jalisco to provide you with a better service.
  • Technical information of your equipment to access our Portals (IP address, browser used, type of device used to access our site, etc.)
  • Statistical information of navigation in the Portals of Jalisco (date and time of visit, pages visited, files consulted, keywords used in search engines, etc.).


Protection of personal data collected by the Executive Power of the State


The Executive Branch in accordance with articles 20, 21, 23.1, section II, and 25 sections XV, XVII and XX, of the Law of Transparency and Access to Public Information of the State of Jalisco and its Municipalities; protects the use, processes, modifications and transmissions of confidential information and specifically the personal data of an identified or identifiable natural person.


The holder of confidential information has the right to access, rectify, modify, correct, replace, oppose, suppress or extend his confidential information data.


Each agency supports a confidentiality notice, where you are informed in a concrete manner the treatment of your personal data, the cases of transfer to third parties of your personal data that will necessarily require your authorization, except for the exceptions provided by Article 22 of the aforementioned Law, the identification of the responsible parties, as well as their defense and guardianship.


What is done with the data that is collected?


The information collected through the Jalisco Portals is mainly used to understand the needs of citizens and translate them into better government services, as well as to maintain the necessary infrastructure to support the attention that you as a citizen require.


When you provide personal information to our network of Portals, we use that data for the purpose of providing you with better service and attention through the website, offering you content that is useful to you according to your age, occupation and geographic location, as well as to contact you in case you have asked a question or made a comment.


When you agree to receive information from us, we will send you communications exclusively of your interest and attached to the objectives of our Government of Jalisco. The information collected is also used for statistical purposes that help us to improve the content and design of our site, as well as to disseminate the progress and achievements of the State Government.


How are cookies used?


A “cookie” is a small piece of information that is sent by the website being visited and stored on the visitor’s computer’s hard drive.


The “cookies” sent by Jalisco Portals are used to determine the preferences of visitors when they connect, as well as to track certain behaviors such as: registering traffic to identify which pages are being visited. The above with the purpose of analyzing navigation data to improve the quality of our Portals, adapting them to the needs of visitors, thus providing a better browsing experience.


Information from your computer such as IP address, the type of Internet browser and operating system you use, may be collected by our Portals through cookies, however you can always choose to accept or reject cookies. You should be aware that most web browsers are set to automatically accept cookies, but you can change these settings on your own computer at any time.


Cookies will in no way give access to your computer or any information about you.


Privacy of your information


Your personal information will not be sold, transferred or disclosed under any circumstances and you will always have the option to request that your data be deleted from our records as stated in Article 6 of our Political Constitution of the United Mexican States. Use the “Contact” section to let us know if you want your information to be deleted.


Links to other websites and e-mail


Jalisco Portals may contain links to other web sites of your interest, however, once you have used these links to leave our sites, you should be aware that we do not have any control over them, therefore, we cannot guarantee the protection and privacy of any information that citizens provide when visiting them, in this case you will be subject to the Privacy and Confidentiality Policies of those sites.


The Government of Jalisco is not responsible when citizens provide information of any kind to links that correspond to external websites, or to e-mails that are not part of the domain jalisco.gob.mx; likewise when officials or public servants use electronic media outside the Government Network and outside the domain jalisco.gob.mx; which means that the handling of information outside the Jalisco Portals will be under the responsibility and own risk of the person who performs it.


Jalisco Portal Network Security


In order to provide security for our Portal Network and ensure that government services remain available to our visitors, the IT Department monitors network traffic to identify unauthorized attempts to post or modify information, or to cause damage to our network.


Except for authorized law enforcement inquiries and as set forth above, no other attempt is made to identify site visitors or their usage habits. Data logs are not used for other purposes and are regularly deleted from the system.


It is strictly forbidden to publish or modify any type of information without authorization, which may be sanctioned by the competent authorities.


Changes in the Privacy Policy


The Government of Jalisco reserves the right to update or remove this Privacy Policy when deemed necessary, we suggest you consult this area of the site to stay informed about the latest update date and changes.


Go to glossary of terms (go to https://info.jalisco.gob.mx/glosario)